GayOnlyPorn's Review of - GayHoopla
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There are a hundred and one gay porn sites out there claiming to showcase amateur, straight or curious guys. The reality is that most of these are just promoting a fantasy, and the guys are well know models who pop up on site after site. GayHoopla claims to be different promising us exclusive amateur models and steamy content from handsome US jocks and college guys. So let's see if GayHoopla is as different as they promise.
GayHoopla has a unique landing page that shows quite limited content and talks more about what they do and why they are different. I don’t think it's the most tempting landing page, but once in the members area things are a little more familiar. The menu is straightforward to use with links to videos and models. There is also a secret menu section which features content that is in addition to the usual updates and more of a kind of director's cut come behind the scenes area. The site has a search function which seems to work well, and in general the navigation and usability of the site is very good.
At the time of this review (May 2020) there were around 800 scenes to choose from which is a very good amount of content. The films date back to 2013, and as technology has moved on older content is not as higher quality as newer scenes, but this is to be expected with any long running site. All scenes are dated and the site adds 2 new scenes each week which is a very good update schedule. Videos are all full HD and can be streamed or downloaded in a variety of quality levels, although 4K is not an option at the moment. Each scene runs for 20 - 35 minutes and is accompanied by a set of high quality photos that can be viewed as a slideshow. The scenes are generally filmed in an apartment or bedroom and the quality of the filming is very good.
Moving on to the guys and the content. GayHoopla’s models are generally very fit, handsome and clean cut US guys in their mid to late 20’s. There are a few slightly older, hairy and bearded guys as well, but the bulk of the guys fit in the hot jock category. In line with the sites promises pretty much all the guys are amateurs you won’t see anywhere else. I did spot a few well known faces such as Kellan Hartmann and Logan Vaughn, but the majority of the models are fresh faces.
There is a great mix of scenes on this site, from very horny jerk off scenes, suck and fuck sessions and a nice selection of three way action. In all the scenes I watched the quality of the filming was excellent with the camera work really focusing on the guys. It also stood out that in all scenes the guys are obviously pretty comfortable with each other and their enjoyment stands out. None of the scenes feel staged or false, in fact the passion in the scenes really makes a difference to the enjoyability of this site. Many of the scenes start with an ice breaker where the guys have some banter with each other and the cameraman. In some cases there is a post fuck or jerk chat also. I’m not usually a fan of these, but there is something quite natural about the way this site conduct the chats and you do get a feel for the personality of the guys.
So, what can I say about GayHoopla? I tend to go into these reviews with limited expectations as many sites don’t live up to the promises, however Its fair to say GayHoopla delivers exactly what it promises. The guys who feature on the site are hot and if like me you go weak at the knees for a hot American jock this site certainly won’t disappoint! All the guys have great looks, great bodies and whether they are straight, curious or gay they all put on a great performance. The site has well filmed scenes, filled with passion and horny sex that really showcases the models. I would certainly recommend GayHoopla and if you are looking for something different from the usual generic gay jock porn this site should keep you coming back day after day!